Borderlands 2 captain scarlett herbert shortcut
Borderlands 2 captain scarlett herbert shortcut

The Routledge Companion to Imaginary Worlds offers new approaches to imaginary worlds as an art form and a cultural phenomenon, explorations of the technical and creative dimensions of world-building, and studies of specific worlds and world-builders. Tolkien’s Arda to elaborate, user-created game worlds like Minecraft, contributors present interdisciplinary perspectives on authorship, world structure/design, and narrative. From the Star Trek universe, Thomas More’s classic Utopia, and J. This companion provides a definitive and cutting-edge guide to the study of imaginary worlds across a range of media, including literature, television, film, and games. Things look bad for now through as the last piece of the compass got destroyed when you took out the lock.The Routledge Companion to ­Imaginary Worlds Shoot off the lock when prompted then open the chest for the compass piece. He will tell you the last compass piece is in the chest. Just return to Herbert and give him the tapes. This gives you a very nice and quick shortcut back to the shack. Grab it and then turn to the East and head out across the nearby ship. You will find the letter without much trouble. Just follow that path up, past the large loot chest and look on the chair to the left of it. Look for the slope leading up to the hull. There are more Spiderants to fight through so be wary of them. You want to make toward that favoring the Western side of the area. You will see a hull of a ship to the South. Letter 4 Head to the Southeast from the third letter. Just go straight from there to find this Letter. You will find Spdierants to kill then head for the small staircase you see to the right, nearby the ledge into the desert below. Letter 3 Turn to the South from the second letter and start across the walkway you see there. At the top the building you will find the second letter just sitting in plain sight.

borderlands 2 captain scarlett herbert shortcut

Try to pick it off before you start up them to make the latter part of this climb a lot easier. If you have a good Corrosive Sniper Rifle, look at the top of the buildings and you can find a Gun Turret sitting there. This takes a little while because of all the pirates firing on you. As you make your way West you will need to climb up through numerous buildings. These massive fellows like to lob harpoons at you for a fair bit of damage so be careful around them. Throughout the area you will be fighting a variety of pirates, including a Harpooner. Now you want to head up the ladder just inside the gate and then take the walkways around to the West and turn to the South. This will lead into the area, Maroonie's Clipper. You need to get through the gate, which lowers, and reveals there are 2 Anchormen behind it waiting for you. Letter 2 Head to the North from the first letter. Head over to it to find the first of the 4 letters. Turn to the North toward the Spiderant nest across the next walkway. Letter 1 Backtrack across the last 2 bridges you crossed. The letters are scattered around the canyon. Approach the marker and an explosive will go off. Kill off the few Spiderants that guard it then jump the gaps in the bridge. Fight your way over to the bridge leading to the ship. You will see a ship suspended by wires over the gorge that is your destination. Fight your way through them and over to the West. Be sure to have a fire weapon handy as there are more Spiderants that you need to fight through. Just follow the path as it winds around the gorge. From there you will be able to continue to the North. Return to the anchor elevator and take it back down. Head back down the walkway from his shack and turn to the North.

borderlands 2 captain scarlett herbert shortcut

Borderlands 2 Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty Walkthrough Part 16 – Crazy About You Herbert not only wants to get Scarlett the last piece of the compass but show his affection for her as well.

Borderlands 2 captain scarlett herbert shortcut