Boots of speed give +2 to armor class value in combat situations where movement of this sort is possible.īOOTS OF STRIDING AND SPRINGING: The wearer of these magical boats has a base movement rate of 12″ regardless of size or weight. No more than 8 hours of continuous fast movement are possible before the wearer must rest. For every hour of continuous fast movement, the wearer must rest 1 hour. equivalent) of weight over 200 pounds, the wearer is slowed 1″ in movement, so a 180 pound human with 60 pounds of gear would move at 20″ base movement rate, and if a sack of 500 gold pieces were being carried in addition, the movement rate would be slowed vet another 5″. If overloaded, or sharp objects are placed within so as to pierce it, the bag will rupture and be ruined, and the contents will be lost forever in the vortices of nilspace.īOOTS OF SPEED: These boots enable the wearer to run at the speed of a fast horse, viz. Inside it can hold 1,500 pounds within 250 cubic feet. Regardless of what is put into this item, the bag of holding always weighs 60 pounds. The bag of holding opens into a non-dimensional space, and its inside is larger than its outside dimensions.

This list is also available as a PDF:īAG OF HOLDING (LARGEST): This magic bags appears to be a common cloth sack of about 2′ X 4′ size. All descriptions written by Gary Gygax for the 1979 Dungeon Master’s Guide by TSR Games (ISBN-10: 0935696024, ISBN-13: 978-0935696028). A collection of treasure items a party might have in its possession during an adventure.