Kaeluc centric but other ships might be mentioned/implied.(Kaeya selects a pretty redhead Mondstadter at a sketchy massage place for some good times, but they’re both not what they seem.) Language: English Words: 9,086 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 1 Comments: 39 Kudos: 440 Bookmarks: 62 Hits: 4929 Like hell he’ll let the best sex he’s ever had end with a monetary transaction. But, his main motivator would definitely be the selfish desire to fuck that pretty redhead into a mattress.
#Did the guy from the eyes of ara die professional
Sure, he has professional reasons for searching for the redhead he met that day. r18dilucshipwk's R-18 Diluc Ship Week (Genshin Impact).XOXO, With Love Language: English Words: 31,947 Chapters: 4/5 Collections: 1 Comments: 52 Kudos: 296 Bookmarks: 58 Hits: 7058 Let’s confirm these rumours together, shall we? And our little thief is none other than his newest co-star, the Gentleman Thief of Mondstadt, Kaeya Alberich (model, 23). Word is? Diluc Ragnvindr (actor, 24) may no longer be single. It might finally be time for us to grab our handkerchiefs and to stop forging that marriage certificate. we have great betas so we don't die like kaeya's dignity in the bathroom.Top Kaeya/Bottom Diluc (Genshin Impact).(Wizard of Oz inspired AU based on Teyvat lore) Language: English Words: 5,596 Chapters: 1/3 Collections: 1 Comments: 5 Kudos: 33 Bookmarks: 9 Hits: 431 The Wizard might have a few screws loose about the physics of this world, but it beat having to comply with the guy who dropped a whole house on his teacher any day.

When Diluc came to bargain for a favour with The Wizard, he didn’t expect the price of it to be so.