Our hospital in Africa is currently using WPA2. Should we switch from WPA2 to WPA3? Networking.We are taking over multiple new environments with no clue what is on their networks. Looking for recommendations on a network topology tool where all we have to do is label the device/switch with it's physical location after it's scan.


It worked good but failed when a laptop is passed onto a new user who is very remote. My major hurdle with our current VPN solution is that workstations have to have user credentials cached (if new user is introduced on the same machine they can not login into domain without bringing in the machine and loging in at least one time). I would like to put it to more work and eliminate our current VPN solution - EX-750 that is outdated. So before we invest into more cals I thought to ask the community :) SSL VPN Nodes/Users = 2 nodes (NetExtender) We just recently upgraded to TZ215 and I just noticed that device comes with mutli-options for VPN.